Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Prayer for True Worship

"...Father, I pray...for our whole church family—especially as we gather each Lord’s Day to worship you, the Lord Jesus and God the Holy Spirit. In a day when there seems to be more gadgets and gimmicks needed to create 'worship experiences,' free us needing anything more than the gospel to worship you the way you deserve to be worshiped… and delight to be worshiped. Teach us how to be stewards of technology, not slaves to technology. Teach us how to be creative, not cute… faithful, not manipulative… simple, not spectacular.

"Reel us back in anytime we move away from the 'simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ' (2 Corinthians 11:1-3) And let us never forget that you are not seeking 'great worship,' but true worshipers—those who worship you in spirit and truth (John 4:21-23)...."

-- Pastor Scotty Smith, pastor of Christ Community Church in Franklin, TN

1 comment:

EH said...

this theme has been on my mind and heart now for a while. Oh how I have failed, abused, and neglected true worship in the past years. By God's grace and through His Spirit may I continue to grow in my understanding and application of what it means to worship in Spirit and in Truth. May the Gospel be central in my thoughts and actions.