Sunday, April 18, 2010

"The Christian Life" -- recommended reading

Today in his sermon Pastor Denyes referred to a book by Sinclair Ferguson, saying he wasn't sure if it was still in print. Thankfully, it England it had been published with the title, "Know Your Christian Life." Now it's published by Banner of Truth, available in the U.S. with the title, "The Christian Life."

This is one of the very best books available explaining the essential doctrines related to coming to Christ, and then living the Christian life. It is solid and substantial without being overly complicated or technical. I highly recommend it!

1 comment:

diane boucher said...

I LOVE this book!! You can also purchase this book from 7$ there! I often give this book as a gift!! I see you went to the T4G conference! Did you come home with all the free books??
I attend a Sovereign Grace church and have had Bob Kauflin lead worship when he is visiting! Incredible!!! Thanks for your posts! I'm still a regular reader!