Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Peace, be still": Learning Psalm 131 by Heart

by David Powlison

"God speaks to us in many different ways. When you hear, “Now it came to pass,” settle down for a good story. When God asserts, I am,” trust His self-revelation. When He promises, “I will,” bank on it. When He tells you, “You shall…you shall not,” do what He says. Psalm 131 is in yet a different vein. Most of it is holy eavesdropping. You have intimate access to the inner life of someone who has learned composure, and then he invites you to come along. Psalm 131 is show-and-tell for how to become peaceful inside. Listen in."

Continue reading this article from the Spring 2000 issue of "The Journal of Biblical Counseling."

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