Sunday, February 17, 2008

"Spiritual Mapping" questions for evangelism

Here are the questions we referred to in the teaching time Sunday evening. These questions are designed to help in conversations we have with people as we seek to share the Gospel with them.

Where you’ve been:
What was your religious background as a child?
Was it positive, negative, or neutral? Why?
What was the most valuable thing your background
gave you?
Who has had the most profound influence on you
spiritually? Why?
Have you ever experienced God? If so, how?

Where you are:
What words would you use to describe your
spiritual life right now?
Do you have a spiritual belief of any kind?
Who is Jesus to you?
On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your
desire to know God personally?

Where you are going:
At this stage of life, would you say you
are moving toward God, away from
God or staying about the same?
What happens after death?
If you were to die tonight, how sure are
you that you would have eternal life?

©2002, WSN Press; 100 Lake Hart Dr.—2500; Orlando, FL 32832

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