Thursday, February 4, 2010

Speaking is key to saving...

For those enamored with advice like “Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary” – what should we make of Paul’s expression in 1 Thess. 2:16?: “They displease God and are hostile to all men in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved.”

In what is almost an off-handed remark, Paul is clearly saying that whether or not people get saved depends on whether or not they are spoken to. It’s odd to me that such an argument needs to be made; but we live in theologically odd times.


Anonymous said...

This is a great point, and shows that Paul assumed that people couldn't be saved without hearing the gospel (see Rom. 10:13-15). Thanks for this reminder!

EH said...

It is interesting indeed. This morning I had the privilege in hear Al Mohler give a sermon from Romans 10. There he was making that exact point that in this time where people are question theological truths he reminded us that people will not be saved unless they hear the word of God, the gospel, and they will not hear it unless they are told.

So let us hold fast to the truth of the gospel and remember that it is the power of God and we should not be ashamed of it.