Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Everyone Worships

"Worship is one of the ultimate themes of this life, but it is never a question of whether worship will or won’t occur in the heart of a human being. It’s more a case of whether that worship will travel in the proper direction and end up in the right place.

"It’s guaranteed that everyone on this planet will be an extravagant worshiper of some kind, sacrificially spending themselves in a life of desire and devotion. But it’s by no means guaranteed that their worship will travel along the right paths.

"People will find a way to worship anything and everything. But all the time, God is calling us back to himself, back to being the God reflectors and image bearers we were meant to be. He is the only One worthy of our worship."

"As C. S. Lewis reminded us, idols inevitably break the hearts of their worshipers. But not so when we worship Jesus—of course the complete opposite occurs, and we find ourselves in a place of fulfillment and satisfaction."

-- Matt Redman (in his preface to Bob Kauflin's new book, "True Worshipers"

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