Monday, August 29, 2011

Finding our role in the Bible's grand story...

"The Bible is a grand story, from Genesis to Revelation, with Christ as the lead character.  The more we hear that story, the more we find ourselves being written into it as characters.  We discover ourselves not in the fading scripts of this age or in glossy magazine images but in the story of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation. 

"We are there with Adam and Eve, capitulating to the lie.  We are there with Abraham and Sarah, hearing and believing the gospel and being justified.  We are walking along with the disciples, not getting it, then getting it, then not getting it again, and then discovering what his journey was all about.  And we are there with the company of heaven, worshiping the Lamb.

"It is the purpose of preaching and sacrament to put us there, to kill our dead-end character [of this age/story] and to write us into God's script."

-- Michael Horton, "The Gospel Commission"

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