Friday, January 24, 2014

The Law Continually Sends Us to the Gospel

"It has been the frequent temptation of the church to become antinomian (i.e., anti-law) when she discovers the wonder of the gospel.  When Christians learn that the way to stand before God is by faith in the grace of Christ and not by faith in their own inner or outer works, they are tempted to hate the law for having taught them that salvation depends upon our obedience to its teachings.  But the Reformation rediscovered in Paul that we must let the law continually do its stripping, condemning, accusing work on us so that we might continually flee to the gospel, seek its resources, and walk in its powers.  Without the law we will feel little need for the gospel; without knowing our sickness we will not seek the Physician."

-- Frederick Dale Bruner, "The Christbook: Matthew 1-12," p. 94 (Eerdmans)

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