Monday, October 20, 2008

The Revival We Need

Pastor Tim Keller is interviewed by Darryl Dash about "Ministry in a Post-Christian Culture."

Here is an excerpt:

"When revival breaks out through a recovery of the gospel, three things happen:
1. nominal church members realize they'd never been converted;
2. sleepy, lethargic Christians are energized and renewed;
3. outsider non-Christians are attracted into the beautified worship, community and lives of the converted and renewed church members.
That's how it works. We need it."

HT: Tullian Tchividjian

1 comment:

EH said...

Amen May this be true of the communities that we are involved in, my this be the vision which drives our ministries.
I pulled up the interview and read over that. It is so important for the growth of the body must come from the indiviual believers personal growth. So remembering and living in light of the gospel of grace is foundationally important.